This week…
Homework: The only required homework is searching for a poem. I sent home a note with the requirements for this year’s poem contest. I asked the students to take some time to read for fun as well. Your child will receive a homework pass to use the first week back from Easter break if you turn in the poem by Wednesday.
Religion: We will discuss Holy Week and look forward to the Living Stations of the Cross on Wednesday.
Reading: We started our new leveled reading groups this week. We will work on comprehension strategies such as monitoring and clarifying as one reads.
Writing: Completing our How -To -Book
Spelling: We will review spelling patterns.
Grammar: Collective Nouns
Math: We will begin Unit 7. We will work on 7.1-7.3 this week.
Events this week:
Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: Library Book due, Mass at 8:30a.m. and Living Stations of the Cross at 2:00
Thursday: No P.E. and Noon Dismissal
I hope you enjoy your Easter break!
Mrs. Vazquez