Dear Second Grade Families,
Thank you to all the volunteers for helping out in our primary center day. I could not have done it without all of you especially with all the little hands we needed to paint.
Tuesday & Thursday: P.E.
Thursday: Library books are due
Friday: Full day!
SAVE THE DATE: January 27 is Parent’s Day!
Beginning this week and until the end of the year, students will be receiving a copy of their fluency and reading log rather than downloading a copy. I will send it home tomorrow.
Reading Log
Math IXL D.3 and M.6
Language IXL H.2
RELIGION: We will examine our conscience this week. We will be going over the steps of Reconciliation.
READING: We continue reading nonfiction books. Please continue providing your child with nonfiction books.
SPELLING: Please have your child practice their spelling sort. Your child will have extra days to practice their spelling sort because their test will be next Tuesday.
MATH: We will begin our math test on Wednesday. I will send home a math worksheet that explains some strategies that we have been using to add two two-digit numbers. I have also added extra practice worksheets so your child can continue practicing at home. You do not need to turn in worksheets.
Science: Sound
Social Studies: Martin Luther King
Have a Beautiful Week,
Mrs. Vazquez