Dear Second Grade Families,
The students enjoyed READ ACROSS AMERICA activities on Friday as we celebrated the birthday of Dr. Suess. This will continue as students receive tickets for a drawing to be held at the end of March for books read.
FRIDAY is primary centers and an early dismissal day. Please email our room moms if you are interested in volunteering from 10:00-12:00.
Homework: Students will only have a reading log this week. Your child should be finishing up with their Flat Project, which is due tomorrow. We will begin the math drill practice next week. Wednesday is our School Fair. Come and see all the hard work by our second graders. It will be great to see you all there on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
RELIGION: As reconciliation preparation continues, The Holy Spirit helps us look in our hearts (the beginning of examination of conscience).
WRITING; ABC order; Dictionary work; and more cursive handwriting. We will finally finish up our persuasive writing.
READING: Our new story this week is “Brothers and Sisters”. We will read for fluency and comprehension. Our comprehension focus this week will be to evaluate.
SPELLING: Unit 23, ou and ow spelling pattern as in brown and mouse. Remember to go onto for practice before the spelling test on Thursday. 🙂
MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; Adding and subtracting two two-digit numbers with and without regrouping, continued work on symmetry, reviewing patterns, and beginning fractions.
SCIENCE: Magnets
SOCIAL STUDIES: Using our Land as Resource
If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Mrs. Vazquez