Week of January 23-27, 2012

Dear Second Grade Families,

FLAT PERSON UPDATE… It is almost time for Flat Second Graders to return home.  We will be writing and sending letters to our hosts thanking them for their hospitality and their time and energy spent helping your second grader with his/her project.  Look for their many adventures at the School Fair in March. (Assignment for this project will be forth coming).

Tuesday will be the 100th day of school. Projects will be due that day. There will also be classroom activities. Hope you had a fun time helping with this project!

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK will begin this Friday with Mass and Parents Appreciation Day. Please join us in Church at 8:30 for Mass. Following Mass there will be refreshments and then classroom visits!

☺☺☺☺☺STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Luis☺☺☺☺☺


RELIGION: Jesus calls us to live in love and to follow His example. Love takes sacrifice. We will continue with the memorization of the Act of Contrition. Thank you for many quick returns with sacrament information.

READING: We will begin theme 4 (Amazing Animals) with the story “Officer Buckle and Gloria”, a story with characters and events that could occur in real life that are combined with those that could not. We will read for fluency and comprehension.

SPELLING: Unit 19, words ending with ‘s’ and ‘es’.

LANGUAGE ARTS: decoding; vocabulary development; ABC order; creative writing, etc.

MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; DMP; beginning double-digit addition with and without regrouping. Keep telling time and counting money.

SOCIAL STUDIES/ SCIENCE: Rocks, Chinese New Year

Have a good week. Look for all the school details in the school newsletter.

Second Grade Teachers

Mrs. Danforth & Mrs. Perez-Vazquez
