We have a busy week ahead. On Wednesday, we have Free Dress and $1.00 per tattoo. Please read the school newsletter which will provide dress attire for Wednesday and additional information on tattoos. We will attend Mass at 8;30 a.m. on Thursday as it is All Saints day! Finally, we have our Saint’s Parade on Friday beginning at 8:30a.m. I hope all of you have the opportunity to attend our Saint’s parade especially since it is the students last year to be a saint. Remember to have a dress rehearsal at home with your child’s saint costume before Friday. They must be able to walk and kneel with their costumes.
This is our academic overview for this week.
Homework: We will not have new spelling words this week. Please have your child review units 1-9 on spellingcity.com .
This week we will ONLY have our weekly Reading Log and Fluency Reading with no additional homework pages. I want your child to practice their saint report at home daily. Your child should be able to recite their report with ease.
Language Arts:
This week we will be reading, Stellaluna. We will continue practicing comprehension strategies such as story mapping, inferences and working on text to self.
Writing: We will be writing a letter to the families that have our Flat Person and continue our writers workshop. We will begin editing this week.
Spelling/Phonics: We will continue reviewing words with digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh). We will be reviewing words ending with double consonants. Open/Closed syllables will be examined this week. Please have your child work on spellingcity.com to practice their spelling words through games.
Math: Tens/Ones, word problems, regrouping, & fast facts
Religion: We continue the unit: “Jesus Calls us to Give Ourselves in Love.” We will keep discussing the first three commandments and continue with the following two commandments this week.
Social Studies/Science: Maps; Flat People/Animal Life Cycle (Frog, Chicken)
Flat mail has been trickling in to our classroom. If your child has not received mail this week, please give your child’s host a call to remind them to send a letter.
If you have any questions, please send me an email.
God Bless,
Mrs. Vazquez