Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your family and friends during this special season. I would like to thank all of you for the special cards and gifts. I would like to send a special thank you to our room parents who made our class celebration a success. The children enjoyed making their gingerbread house.
We will start our new year welcoming a new addition to our second grade family, Maya. We are looking forward to getting to know our new friend.
Take a Look at Our Week:
Homework: We will not have homework this week. I do encourage you to have your child read for 20 minutes. Homework will be in full effect beginning on Monday with reading log and common core homework.
Language Arts:
Reading: Begin the story “Jamaica Louise James”, a realistic fiction selection. We will be reading for comprehension and fluency. Evaluation will be our strategy focus. Our skill focus will be inferences.
Writing: We will be writing about our New Year’s resolution. We will also continue listening to students read their writing during our writer’s workshop, “author’s chair.” During this time, the student must read their final draft. Their peers give three positive comments in regards to their writing followed by the author (student) setting a writing goal.
Spelling: We will NOT have new spelling words this week. We will be reviewing spelling patterns we have learned the last 87 days of school.
Math: We will review addition with regrouping. By next week, we will begin practicing regrouping for subtraction. I do urge that you practice addition and subtraction math facts to 20. I will be sending home a math practice next week. We do one minute drills in class to help us with math fact fluency.
Religion: Jesus Calls Us to Live in Love: We will understand why we make sacrifices for God and others. We will end the week with prepare ourselves for a unit 2 test on Friday. We will review vocabulary & commandment through a class game.
Social Studies: We will discuss lakes, rivers and countries we see in the continent of North America.
****** STUDENT OF THE WEEK…Gabriella ******
Friday is a full day!
Have a Great Week,