I had such a great time watching your children interact with their grandparents and special guests. We spent our time with a little dancing, interviews and games. Thank you to all the grandparents and special friends who came to spend some time with your child.
On Wednesday, September 11th , will be picture day. Students are to wear their uniforms. Money and order forms are due on Wednesday. Order forms were sent home last week on Tuesday.
Reading Log, Fluency & IXL: (Click on each word to print homework)
Fluency: Our second week of fluency! I hope your child’s fluency was a success last week. I am not sending a copy of fluency this week. Remember if you click on “Fluency” you can print out your copy at home. If you have any problems printing out any homework, please send me an email.
Spelling: An additional part of their homework is to study for their spelling test, Unit 3. They may go onto spelling city to help practice words. IXL is required homework and is part of their math grade. IXL must be 20 minutes or more a week. Please look at the length of time spent on IXL. If your child spends less than 20 minutes, they will NOT get credit.
IXL: Remember your child is required to complete 20 minutes a week. Q.2 & C.1 If your child finishes these two in less than 20 minutes please do E.9.
All homework must be done in pencil and stapled together so it may be turned in on Monday. Your child must fill out the reading log. The only section you do on the reading log is sign at the bottom.
I will be sending your child’s workpacket (corrected work that we have done in class) on Wednesday. Please remove all the work from the folder and sign the sheet.
Religion: We began Unit 1 of our Religion last week. We will finish God Gives us Life and Love and begin Jesus is God’s Best Gift.
Vocabulary: angels, creation, creature
ELA (English Language Arts)
Reading: We will be re-reading Dragon Gets By and focusing on Cause and Effect, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary & retelling. We continue reviewing phonics through the stories Len and Linda’s Picnic and Ice Cream Crash.
Homophones/Vocabulary/Summarizing/ABC order
Vocabulary: Diet, vegetables, shopping, balanced, dairy, shopper, hungry
High Frequency Words: bought, until, kitchen, roll and front
Read Aloud: We continue Flat Stanley this week. We will be reading books by Laura Numeroff to focus on cause and effect.
Spelling: Unit 3 in spelling begins the study of long vowel words with the “vowel-consonant-e” spelling pattern; phonics review will include more short vowels and the “vccv” pattern; vocabulary development; sentence
Writing: Printing practice; Writer’s Workshop
MATH: We continue to work on time, counting money and addition facts to 20. In your child’s Wednesday Workpacket (graded work) you will find some math assessments (time & addition). These are quizzes I give them to check what they know and what I still need to review and/or teach in class. These quizzes are very informative.
Our EVERYDAY MATH has a website where students can practice what I have taught during the previous week. Your child will be given a username and password to log onto everydaymath.com. This is just a website for your child to get extra practice. It is full of activities and all the vocabulary and strategies we are learning. Please take some time to look through the site. Beginning next week, I will be giving you the unit and section we are on for the week. This will allow you to check out exactly what we are learning. If your child seems to be struggling in an area in math, there are worksheets that can be printed out for extra practice and games that help reinforce what we are learning.
We will start on Unit 1 Lesson 8 (1.8) this week. By the end of the week, we should be in Unit 1 lesson 11. (1.11).
SOCIAL STUDIES: Unit 1, Lesson 4 Vocabulary: group, map, community goods, law, services
I briefly spoke about our Flat Stanley project at Back to School. I encourage you to look for a family out of state to be a pen pal with your child throughout the school year. I will be sending a formal letter to you next week requesting an address and email information of the family that will host your child’s flat person.SCIENCE : We continue learning about the plant life cycles. This week in the lab, we will examine snap peas. We will be measuring and comparing them.
Chapter 1 Vocabulary: flower, fruit, seed, life cycle, cone, inherit, environment, population and gravity
If you read this newsletter, please send me an email. Your child will receive a sparkle. Sparkles are a BIG deal in our class. 🙂
Tuesday & Thursday: P.E. Remember to send plenty of water and proper shoes.
Wednesday: PICTURE DAY!!!! Students must wear their school uniform & a smile!
Friday: FULL DAY!
Have a Blessed Week,
Mrs. Vazquez