Dear Second Grade Families,

This week marks the beginning of the ITBS testing or Iowa Test of Basic Skills.  Second Grade is the first grade level where we begin the ITBS testing.   We will have about 9 days to complete the entire test.  Our testing period for each day will be from 8:15-10:00 and some days from 10:30-11:00. There are a few things you can do to make this testing period successful for your child.

  1. Good Night’s sleep!
  2. Healthy Breakfast!
  3. Getting to school on time!

I thank you in advance for your help in making this testing period successful.

If any parents are still interested in volunteering on Friday for primary centers, please send me an email.

Events this Week:

Monday-Thursday:  ITBS Testing

Wednesday:  Free Dress $1.00 for Adopt-A-Family & Parent Meeting at 6:30 in Biederman Hall

Thursday:  Library Books are due

Friday:  Primary Centers & Noon Dismissal

*****We have a Field Trip on  Monday, September 23rd to the Painted Pony for apple picking!*********Please return your child’s permission with payment ASAP.

Fluency &Reading Log

IXL (click on IXL)  homework:  This is counted towards homework.  Please work on A.1, A.2, P.3, Q.2.  I have seen some students are exceeding their time of 15-20 minutes a week.  These are all review skills so it should be 5 minute practice drills.

Spelling Homework: No Spelling Words this week.

Our academic week includes:

Language Arts:  Reading for comprehension and fluency; long vowels, sentence punctuation and writing.  We are beginning our story, Julius .  We will focus on homophones and identifying sentences.   We will also finish reading Flat Stanley this week.

Math: Skip counting, finding equivalences, and number grid practice. Please help your child with life skills of identifying and counting money and telling time on an analog clock.

Religion:   Jesus is a Gift from God;  Parable of the vine and branches

Science/Social Studies: Plant Life Cycle/map skills

If you have any question please send me an email or call.

Have a Wonderful Week,

Mrs. Vazquez
