Third grade families,

One more full week before our Thanksgiving break! We will spend this week working hard and learning hard, too! 🙂

Important Dates

  • Thursday, November 18: Library!
  • Friday, November 19: 2p Dismissal

Weekly Homework (Due November 23rd)

  • IXL math:
    —E.4 Relate Addition & Multiplication for Equal Groups
    —F.3 Multiply by 2
    —J.1 Divide by 1
  • Fluency
  • 100 minutes of reading (at least 20 minutes a night)
  • 5 READO Boxes

Sneak Peek to our Academic Week

math: This week we will work through multiplication and division fact families as well as test our knowledge and explore with arrays and facts.

reading: In reading we will step up our reading skills and begin to do some challenging mind work! We will read with significance and learn how to distinguish our own opinion from that of the author.

writing: In writing we will begin studying mentor texts in search for elaboration strategies. We have a lot of facts we want to teach about our topics, but we also need to focus on elaborating on those facts in order to keep our readers engaged.

word work: Word work lists can be found in your child’s planner or their Kids A-Z app (on their kindles). Spelling tests are scheduled for this Friday.

religion: This week we will discuss how God is powerful and loving, by reading all about the story of how God saved the Israelites from Pharaoh’s army. Our religion quiz is scheduled for this Thursday. We will also learn a whole lot more about Saints as our 8th grade friends visit our classroom in costume and teach us all about the Saint they have chosen to research.

social studies: This week we will discuss the ways people use the natural resources of their area each day!

Have a wonderful week!

Miss Poindexter
