Third Grade families,
Happy Monday and Happy New Year!
It was wonderful seeing you all last week. Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to meet with me and discuss the kiddos’ progress. I am so proud of them all!
Important Dates
Monday, 1/13: Dining with the Cardinals: Presto Pasta! Please enjoy some yummy food and support our school!
Friday, 1/17: 12p dismissal
Monday, 1/20: MLK Jr Holiday–No School!
Weekly Homework (Due 1/21)
–IXL: O.7: Multiply by 6
–IXL: V.6: Divide by 6
–math worksheet: Number Search
–Read 80 minutes (20 minutes per day, 4x a week)
–4 READO responses
–Read passage (1x a day, for 4 days)
–Answer the Corresponding Comprehension Question (1 question per day, for 4 days)
Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week
math: This week in math we will become familiar with larger numbers, up to the millions place value. Throughout the week we will work on ordering these numbers, adding and subtracting them, and working through word problems that contain them.
reading: We have begun our new class read-aloud, Because of Winn Dixie! As we become familiar with the main character, Opal, we will study character traits and work to find text evidence to support those traits. What has Opal done in the story to show kindness and loyalty?
Throughout the week, we will continue to meet in our small, differentiated guided reading groups where each group is working on specific, non-fiction reading skills.
writing: This week we will begin our new non-fiction writing unit… informational writing!
grammar: Common and proper nouns!
religion: This week, we will discuss the Baptism of the Lord. We will learn about John the Baptist and how Jesus came to him for baptism.
We will be attending 8:30 am mass this Friday. Please join us if your schedule allows!
word work: We continue with Words Their Way! This differentiated spelling program allows our students to learn phonics, vocabulary, and spelling. It’s a hands-on approach to use word study to help us become better spellers. New spelling words will be written in your child’s planner every Monday.
art: We are creating winter penguin art using oil pastels and tempura paint!
social studies: All about Martin Luther King, Jr! We will understand who Martin Luther King Jr. was, his role in the Civil Rights Movement, and why his work is important to us today.
Here we go! Have a wonderful week!
Miss Poindexter