Hello 4th Grade Families! I hope all had a wonderful Mother’s Day this past weekend. Thank you for coming and supporting our school at In-N-Out Day last Friday too!
Important Dates:
- Wednesday, May 17: Santa Barbara Mission Field Trip (please bring lunch in disposable bag)
- Friday, May 19: Assembly, Families, and 2pm Dismissal
- IXL Math: (Please encourage students to attempt the skills and to do their best, 100% is not necessary)
- O.21 & S.10
- 20-30 minutes of reading, 5 times a week – 5 Reading Responses (Tuesday-Tuesday)
- This week for their journal responses, students can read nonfiction or fiction books. Please have them use the menus as their guide.
Our Week In Class:
- Math: We reinforce our learning of fractions and freshen up on our multiplication facts.
- Reading: Students finish up their Island of the Blue Dolphins projects.
- Writing: Students revise their informational reports.
- Religion: We study how our bodies are a temple for the Holy Spirit.
- Social Studies: Gold Rush studies continue, along with some tunes to aide the process!
- Science: We continue to study energy.
Have a great week,
Ms. Schmaeling