5th Grade Academics


The 5th graders presented posters of the Liturgy of the Eucharist at last week’s assembly – they were truly beautiful. We are laminating them and will have them up in the classroom for the Almost Spring Showcase on Friday. Make sure to plan on attending that and take a peek at their work. We studied the Communion Rites last week , worked on our review and should be ready for our unit test tomorrow. We will also work on our self-reflection of our Lenten Promises as well as, participate in weekly Stations of the Cross led by our 8th graders.


We are moving on to fractions…we used pattern blocks to help us find “one” and then determine the fraction parts. Today we introduced benchmarks to help us. We will continue to review US traditional division while playing with fractions.


Our scientist reports are hanging up in the classroom and they are too cute. They did a great job with their oral presentations too. We continue to experiment with chemical reactions this week.


Reading: The end of Signs of the Beaver has finally arrived. This week, we’ll focus on chapters 22-25, identifying figurative language, summarizing chapters, and including vocabulary, context clues, and illustrations. We will take our quiz for chapters 19-25 on Friday.

Our focus in writing will be persuasive writing.

Word Work:  New sorts for all. Students will be writing their new sort in their planner. Please be sure to study for test on Monday.

Social Studies

Students completed their floats and will present on Monday 3/25. They’ve written the presentation, reviewed the rubric and will practice this week.

Assignments/Upcoming Tests

Check the planner for homework assignments.

Tuesday: Religion Test – unit 2

Friday: Test on chapters 19-25 of Signs of the Beaver. Students can use their summary notes and book to help answer and cite evidence. Responses to short answers must restate the question, correct sentence structure, punctuation marks, and answer all questions.

If you have any questions, please be sure to send us an email.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday: Next Wednesday, the 8th-grade class will present the living stations of the cross.

Friday: School Mass at 8:30 AM with a noon dismissal.

Mrs. Manning & Mrs. Vazquez

5th Grade Teachers
