This week we have a free dress (for $1) on Wednesday and a full day on Friday. If you haven’t sent in your burned matches, please do so as soon as possible.  Next Wednesday is the School Fair; all mission models and scrapbooks should be brought to the parish center when you arrive in the morning.

What we are working on this week

Religion: We continue our discussion of the 4th commandment.

Math: We will have a test on Unit 5 on Wednesday or Thursday, and then go on to Unit 6, focusing upon division. This week students need to complete ixL Math skills D18, D 22 and E3.

Spelling: We conclude our study of Unit 21 words; sentences are due on Friday and we will have the test on Friday as well.

Grammar: We continue Unit 3, which focuses upon types of verbs.

Vocabulary: We continue our study of Unit 11 words. The test will be on Friday.

Reading: The reading log will be due on Monday (click here for a copy) main idea reading log and Fluency Homework #22 will be due next Monday as well. Last week we learned a new Vocabulary strategy: Use Prior Knowledge and Context to Predict and Confirm Meaning. Click here for a copy of the Parent Pipeline parent Use prior knowledge and context to determine meaning.

Writer’s Workshop: This week we are editing our mission reports and writing the final drafts, which will be brought home for typing. Please do not make changes to the content of the report as you type it; it is your child’s writing, and they have done a marvelous job! Your word processing program may fix errors in spelling and grammar automatically, and that is okay.

Social Studies: We finish our work on Studies Weekly 13 and will have a quiz on Thursday. We are composing a study sheet of the main concepts, vocabulary, and people, which will help us to prepare for the quiz.

Science: We continue our study of Chapter 5, learning about the three main groups of rocks and ways to identify them.

Thanking you for your continuing support,

Mrs. Mary Dwyer
