Dear Kindergarten families,
The season of Lent begins! It is a time for us to grow in our faith, love and do good deeds. We learn how Lent is like springtime; new life and new growth. Today we started sunflower seeds and planted snow peas. We will continue more garden work hoping for some rain.

Read Across America is off and running! More minutes will be spent on reading all through this month. We are reading in whole group, together in small groups and with partners.
We have new writing and observation journals. Our garden will be a large portion of our journal writing drawing as we watch and record all the growth and changes. Phonics continues with short vowel word families /ag/, /ap/ and digraphs /sh/, /ch/. Grammer: nouns and pronouns. Spelling tests for beginning sounds and sight word lists. First 5 sight word lists can be found in Vocabulary A-Z. This is always a ‘go to’ for homework!
Math finds us measuring with standard and non-standard tools. Practice with addition and subtraction to 10. Teen number games as well as continuing place value with ones, tens, and hundreds. Working with the number grid and number lines for number sense fluency.
Science – garden plants and insects we observe in the soil. We are also watching the bald eagle webcam on Santa Cruz Island. On Sauces Canyon Point, the Bald Eagle pair are caring for their egg. It’s very exciting to watch! here’s the link if you would like to watch at home:
Coming next week social studies will learn about maps and directions.
Save the date Friday, March 18 — ‘Showcase and Sweets’ we are getting all our February art ready along with some fun crafts for our garden area!!
God Bless your families
~Mrs. Brown