Dear Kindergarten families,

A little late in publishing …. amazing it is the last day of February! This Friday is Primary Centers and a half day. If you completed the Virtus Training and would like to help on Friday please let me know.

Our religion lessons follow last weeks standard explaining forgiveness and what it means to be sorry. The Bible story of Zacchaeus will help us understand wrong doing and forgiveness. We will learn why we should love and forgive by showing respect and kindness.

Please work with your child on the Words Their Ways sorts. They came home on Monday. Glue last weeks sorts by the beginning sounds and keep this weeks sorts in the envelope.

Math finds us in a new chapter working again with value and counting coins. We will learn/explore solid shapes and how they compare with plane shapes. More graphing and learning how to make a graph from conducting surveys.

Have a nice relaxing weekend! ~ Mrs. Brown
