The first full week of school was busy! Your children were exposed to many school activities and other students while getting used to our daily routine. And they did very well. This week will consist of a more ‘normal’ weekly schedule. Friday we have a noon dismissal and I will send home towels to wash and return on Tuesday, September 3.
I want to express my thanks for all parents who were able to attend Back to School Night. If other commitments kept you busy, please send an email with concerns or questions. My goal is to welcome all of your to our school family. Your children are a great group! They are adjusting to our routine and making friends. Throughout the year, if any clarification on classwork, homework, service hours, etc. is needed … I check my mail every weekday.
Gavin is having his birthday on Tuesday!
Religion focus continues with understanding God’s great love for us. We are working our way through the Old Testament as read the Children’s Bible each day. We are starting with creation.
English Language Arts – has us printing – straight and slanted lines. Position concepts are being taught in ELA, Math and Motor Skills. Work on letters and sounds for our beginning reading skills are practiced daily.
Tuesday, we have a science lab on soil as we get ready to do a little planting. Social studies consists of our home, school, and neighborhood.
This should take us through the week! Remember Friday is a noon dismissal.
God bless your families,
Mrs. Carol Brown