Hello Third Grade Families, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone enjoyed the break resting and relaxing among friends. This week we will hit the ground running. Math: We begin Chapter 5: Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals. This week will focus on very large numbers (up to the millions). Later in the chapter we […]
Merry Christmas, Third Grade Families! This week our little elves will be working hard on a special Christmas gift for moms and dads. No peeking. Our plan is to send them home on Thursday. Friday morning is our class book exchange! We’ve already got several books wrapped and ready in the classroom. Please remember to […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, Progress Reports go home Tuesday. Please remember to sign and return the envelope once you’ve had a chance to review and discuss it with your child. Likewise, I look forward meeting and chatting at Parent-Teacher Conferences this week. Please check your scheduled time. If you need to make any changes, contact […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend among family and friends. There will be much happening in the following three weeks. Below are some highlights. -Our first field trip is scheduled for Decmeber 15th when we will be going to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History! Keep your eye on […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Many thanks for being such a great class. It is a pleasure working with you every day. Teddy Bear and Cereal Day is just around the corner. Bring in a new teddy bear & box of cereal any time between now and December 9th. All will be donated to […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, Teddy Bear (and Cereal) Day is fast approaching! Be sure to pick up a new stuffed animal to send to children whose families are part of the LA Archdiocese Adopt-a-Family program. This year, we are also asking families to donate boxes of cereal for these needy families. Feel free to bring […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, Happy Veteran’s Day! In observance of the holiday, school will not be in session on Wednesday. In other news, donut sales continue. Students should bring $1 no later than November 16th should they decide to participate. Donuts will be delivered on November 19th. This week in class… Math: At last, we […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, This Wednesday will be a another free dress day, this time in honor of Veteran’s Day & our school flag retirement ceremony. Students planning to participate should bring $1 and are encouraged to wear red, white and blue. As with all free dress days, students should arrive in comfortable, school appropriate […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, Happy (almost) Halloween! This Friday will be a free dress day. As with all free dress days, students should arrive in comfortable, school appropriate play clothes. This week in class… Math: Unit 3: Measurement. We will begin to wrap up the unit with an in-depth study of perimeter and area. As […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, Picture re-takes are this Thursday. If you would like for your child to retake photos, please send him/her in a regular school uniform and pack PE clothes in the backpack. Pictures will be taken first thing in the morning. Once those are done, your child can change into the packed PE […]