Students have their Jogathon Envelopes…additional are available in the school office, if needed. Please collect donations and return your Jogathon Envelope by Friday. Families who have enjoyed this morning in previous school years know what a fun and productive time we all enjoy! With Spirit Signs displayed on the fence surrounding our court, students will […]
Family members are invited to come to campus and see work our students have produced recently. Earlier in the afternoon, students will present their items to one another as each level tours, and all classes will be in place to share their work with family members at 1:30p. We hope our guests visit each of […]
As we anticipate the predicted strong winds on Wednesday, we move The Living Stations INDOORS to church, and to allow for proper numbering, there are two presentations. Kindergarten and their buddies from 4th grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade attend the morning presentation at 10:15a. Family members and guests from these grades will sit in […]
Friday morning at 11a, for the first time this school year, our 17 school “families” will meet on the field in person rather than online. School “families” have met monthly since we started school in September, but we are all excited about being outdoors, socially distancing, and meeting together in our seventeen groups sharing our […]
As Father Al returns to the parish and continues his work, he tells his story of injury, danger, assistance and recovery while away from the parish to see his family. Those who hear the story call it “The Miracle in Nigeria”. On Palm Sunday, Bishop Robert Barron concelebrates a Mass of Thanksgiving at Sacred Heart […]
Wednesday we wear free dress with green apparent in honor of St Patrick’s Day. We have this day as a free “free” dress day! “May you have: A world of wishes at your command. God and his angels close to hand. Friends and family their love impart, And Irish blessings in your heart!”
Since the start of the school year, we have gathered online for the monthly assemblies on scheduled Fridays at 1:45p. Starting tomorrow, and each month after, the Assemblies for March, April, and May will start at 11a (just as Morning Prayer). With more students on campus, we will be able to share this time with […]
Wednesday afternoon, our second grade students and their families met in Sacred Heart Church for the first time this school year and celebrated the sacrament of First Reconciliation. Our Pastor and Associate Pastor, Fathers Al and Ramon, met with our students to share this special time together and hear their first confession. After the students, […]
Our Assembly for February begins this afternoon at 1:45p as we meet online to pray, salute our flag, and listen to a Lenten Presentation. The Religious Department of The Leadership Committee leads us today. Next week, we will meet for Families for our Friday afternoon activity.
Located in the parking lot in front of the rectory, the mobile testing unit will be open during the day on Thursday, February 18 from 9a-3:30p for school & church staff, school & church families, and all Ventura County residents and/or workers. Ventura County’s positive case numbers continue to drop, but we are encouraged to […]