1)  The event is on the field and you may enter from two locations, the driveway by the Pieta to the right of The Hall or the double gated entry by the courts and play structure.

2)  The spots to park your vehicle are marked on the field with red paint.  Number 1 is along the courts with 2, 3, 4 etc following and #28 is near the shed.
There is a T shaped mark with your number in your space.  I encourage facing the front or the rear of your vehicle to the center of the field. 

3)  Folding, camping style chairs or anything comfortable for you and your family and guests may be arranged in front of your vehicle.

4)  Your graduate sits with you.

5)  Arrival may begin as early as 4p.  Photos begin at 4:30p in Mrs Gaither’s classroom.  The photos will continue until all who select have had theirs taken.  Students may wear their robes and/or their graduation clothes.

6)  We plan to begin at 6p.

7)  Students will speak, diplomas will be presented, and announcements of high school destinations will be made.

Congratulations to the Class of 2021!
