Sacred Heart School Accomplishments, Prioritized Improving Student Learning February 2014 Visit 1. Technology under constant improvement; use of technology such as Kindle Fire tablets especially in Middle School; technology use in Middle School Religion instruction 2. Academic groups in the primary level 3. Teachers Assistants added to staff to allow for differentiated instruction 4. Placement […]
The faculty spent the 11/1 faculty meeting discussing the accomplishments and goals we note as we near completion of the WCEA/WASC self-study process, Improving Student Learning. Assessing our Catholic Identity, defining our purpose, studying the relationship of our SLEs (Schoolwide Learning Expectations) and standards-based curriculum to student achievement, and analyzing our teaching techniques, resources, and […]
All schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles participate in the WCEA/WASC six-year cycle of accreditation. The Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA) is a private educational accrediting agency established under the auspices of the Bishops of the Catholic (Arch) Dioceses of California. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), is recognized as one of […]
The faculty spent one faculty-meeting afternoon reviewing the written responses to the various chapters of Improving Student Learning, the guide for the ongoing six-year self-study process used to maintain accreditation, and selecting goals for each section of the chapters. These chapters focus on how well we display our Catholic Identity, and use the California State […]
Every month students and staff prepare for an emergency situation by participating in fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills. Monday, September 30, we successfully practiced a fire evacuation drill as the alarm sounded at 2:30p and all assembled on the field.
Our school year is divided into trimesters with report cards available in December, March, and June. As we reach the halfway point in the trimester, a progress report is prepared for each student. Progress reports are to encourage and/or inform, not to grade. In indicating progress, teachers let students and family members know how things […]
For those unable to attend last week’s meeting, our continuing effort to work with The Common Core State Standards was the main topic. Our faculty strongly believes the effort to work with these rigorous standards will show throughout the students’ lives. We see the short term challenges these standards create, but recognize the long-term benefits […]
Please encourage your student(s) to eat the foods you select for snacks and lunches and to bring home anything uneaten. Our trash containers hold many uneaten sandwiches & other entrees, unopened yogurt & fruit containers, and more. Please continue to discourage trading and sharing food and remind your student(s) that what is normal and healthy […]
Each year we hold a fall and spring parent meeting to assure an open line of communication between home and school. We will begin this meeting with a look at our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs), and our Philosophy & Mission Statement. We will talk about the continued effort to shift to the Common Core State […]
Students in Grades 2-8 will work throughout a two-week period on the ITBS, The Iowa Test of Basic Skills, a standardized test administered throughout The Archdiocese of Los Angeles. This test will be an integral part of every 2nd – 8th grade students’ morning (with a few afternoon testing period exceptions possible) until Friday, September […]