The faculty spent the 11/1 faculty meeting discussing the accomplishments and goals we note as we near completion of the WCEA/WASC self-study process, Improving Student Learning. Assessing our Catholic Identity, defining our purpose, studying the relationship of our SLEs (Schoolwide Learning Expectations) and standards-based curriculum to student achievement, and analyzing our teaching techniques, resources, and support opportunities has consumed much of our thoughts and time in the last year. From this process we see a list of accomplishments that please us, and we identify three main goals that will be our focus over the next six-year accreditation period. In the next few weeks we will complete the Action Plan that will guide us during those six years, and in early February, a team of educators will spend three days at our school validating this work. Our accomplishments are listed on a sheet in the 11/4 Family Envelope and in another post. As we complete our Action Plan, we will share our goals and plans with you.
