As planning continues for the coming school year, we hope to follow this schedule: START of the school day Monday-Friday Grades 5-8 First Bell at 7:45a with a 7:50a Start–Drop Off in front of the school with vehicles moving from west entrance (beside the Easter Seals building) and moving to the planter area. Exiting the […]
As in previous summers, all students in grades 1- 8 are to spend time during the weeks of summer on specific academic activities provided by our teachers to allow for skill retention, practice, and a quick start in August. Incoming kindergarten students will also find summer work provided by Mrs. Brown. All students will work […]
1) The event is on the field and you may enter from two locations, the driveway by the Pieta to the right of The Hall or the double gated entry by the courts and play structure. 2) The spots to park your vehicle are marked on the field with red paint. Number 1 is along […]
The decision has been made to complete the asphalt work in the school and parish parking lots in June. With this news, we are able to continue our normal schedule. Our 5-8 students attend class from 8a-3p Monday-Thursday and 8a-12p on Fridays. These students, and their lower grade siblings, are dropped off and picked up […]
In celebration of our success at last week’s Jogathon, we schedule a free dress day tomorrow, Friday, May 6. More free dress days will follow in the coming weeks since we exceeded our hoped for amount in this annual fundraiser. We are happy we were able to have this event this school year. Thank you […]
For 15 years, The Palmisano Family has sponsored a Basketball Clinic and judged a Writing Contest to support and deliver scholarships in honor of Joseph Palmisano, husband, father, teacher, coach. The Joseph Palmisano Memorial Scholarship Fund delivers one month’s tuition to students in the primary, intermediate, and Middle School levels who win in academic competitions […]
As the parish and asphalt company come to a decision about completing the parking lot repairs, we return to a “normal” schedule for the balance of the week. Please follow all the timing and car line procedures that were in use prior to the scheduling of the asphalt work.
While Father Al was visiting his family in Nigeria, he was hurt badly; fortunately two people came to his aid and saved his life. In gratitude, Father Al created an education fund to help one young man, God is great, complete his education. As part of our Showcase, a display of student work, we included […]
Actually, the parking lots beside the church are closed Tuesday-Friday and that means ALL GRADES K-8 FOLLOW THE SAME SCHEDULE During THE WEEK OF MAY 3.As we did Wednesday-Friday last week, the car line moves through the school lot in a single line entering and exiting at Henderson Road at the west side of the […]