Dear Parents, September 14, 2015 We have a lot going on in first grade this week! Take a look… Language Arts: We will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing […]
Dear Parents, September 7, 2015 I hope all enjoyed the long weekend! Language Arts: Last week, we were unable to begin our Language Art lessons, as we were completing STAR testing. Therefore, we will kick off our first theme this week! We will work on the consonants m, s, c, t, and […]
Dear Parents, August 31, 2015 Take a look at what we are doing in first grade this week! Language Arts: This week in language arts we kick off our first theme! We will work on the consonants m, s, c, t, and the short sound […]
Dear Parents, August 24, 2015 It was wonderful seeing many of you at Back-to-School Night! Thank you for your constant support of SHS! To those whose schedules prevented you from attending, if you have any questions please be sure to […]
Dear Parents, August 16, 2015 Happy first full week of school! Our “normal” school day begins Monday! This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We are reviewing our letters and the sounds associated with each letter. We will practice printing them and […]
Dear Parents, June 8, 2015 Our last week in First Grade! I can hardly believe it! Thank you for a wonderful year. I enjoyed being with your children every day. They have an incredible energy and desire to learn – I hope these qualities remain with them throughout their education. We have a busy fun-filled […]
Dear Parents, June 1, 2015 This week in first grade, we are winding down! This is what we will be wrapping up… Language Arts: We will be taking our Theme 10 assessments early on in the week. We will follow this with the writing of our Zoo Report. This is an in-class writing report, which […]
Dear Parents, May 25, 2015 I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! A nice taste of what is coming… Summer!! 🙂 This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We are wrapping up Theme 10 with week 3! Our reading strategy this week is monitor/clarify. Part of becoming a good reader is realizing […]
Dear Parents, May 18, 2015 It was so wonderful to see so many of you on Friday for our In-N-Out and Dippin’ Dots day! I hope you all enjoyed the festivities! This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We are continuing on with Theme 10. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing. […]
Dear Parents, May 11, 2015 Happy Mother’s Day! I hope all enjoyed their gift. This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We have concluded theme 9 and are moving right into our last theme- Theme 10! Our reading strategy this week is predict/infer. The comprehension skill that will help us with this […]