Dear Second Grade Families, Our school fair is this Wednesday from 6:30-7:30. The posters look great! Homework: IXL T.8, M.6 and G.5 CLICK HERE FOR FLUENCY Reading Log: March 4th is the end of our trimester so make sure you log in all those minutes. IN THE SECOND GRADE CLASSROOM… RELIGION: As reconciliation preparation continues, […]
Hello Second Grade Families, HERE’S A LOOK AT OUR WEEK… HOMEWORK: I will be sending home an All About Me poster to be completed at home. Encourage your child to be creative by drawing, coloring, adding stickers, adding personal pictures/ magazine cutouts and to do their BEST writing. This will be part of our display at […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, I hope you enjoyed this beautiful long weekend with your family and friends. On Friday, we enjoyed our Valentine celebration in our class. The kids loved reading all the valentine cards and treat bags they received from their friends. Thank you for all the gifts, cards and chocolates! SAVE THE DATE: […]
Hello, This week is an exciting week for all of us being our Valentine’s Day celebration on Friday! If you are sending in Valentine cards on Friday, please make sure you send one for each student in our class (28 students). HERE’S A LOOK AT OUR WEEK… HOMEWORK:CLICK HERE FOR FLUENCY HOMEWORK, Reading Log, IXL […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Parents day was FABULOUS!!! It was such a blessing seeing the kids work with you while having fun. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. This week we continue celebrating Catholics School’s Week with faculty/staff appreciation day on Tuesday. On Wednesday, your child will have lunch (hamburger) […]
Dear Second Grade Families, We begin our Catholic Schools week on Friday with a Mass and Parent Appreciation Day. Please join us in Church at 8:30 a.m. Refreshments and classroom visits will be after Mass. HERE’S A QUICK LOOK AT OUR WEEK… Tuesday and Thursday: P.E. Wednesday: Library books due! Friday: Parent’s Day! Homework: Reading […]
Dear Second Grade Families, The kids and I are VERY excited to have our friend, Genese, join our class!!!! Thank you to all the volunteers for helping out in our primary center day. I could not have done it without all of you. HERE’S A QUICK LOOK AT OUR WEEK… Tuesday & Thursday: P.E. Wednesday: […]
Hello- HERE’S A LOOK AT WHAT WE WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS WEEK… PRIMARY CENTER DAY THIS FRIDAY! HOMEWORK: Reading Log (Read 20 minutes daily) CLICK HERE FOR FLUENCY HOMEWORK IXL N. 1 and P.9 RELIGION: We discussed that Jesus loves us even when we make mistakes. We will continue learning how Jesus forgives us. We will read the […]
Second Grade Families, Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your family and friends during this special season. I would like to thank all of you for the special cards, well wishes and gifts. Take a Peek at Our Week: Homework: Click Here for Fluency Homework Reading Log (100 or more minutes required a […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, I thank all of you for taking time out of your day to attended our parent-teacher conferences last week. I appreciate ALL you do to support your child’s academics! Our Christmas Program will be on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. We will have a dress rehearsal at 1:30 on Wednesday. Here is […]