There will be many special events to enjoy as we wrap up this school year in the coming two weeks. This Thursday is the 8th grade Speedball Game, and on Friday we will have a school family activity. We will also “Move Up” to meet with next year’s teacher and get a preview of life […]
We have a four-day week and then a four-day weekend in honor of Memorial Day. We remember with gratitude and prayers all those who have given their lives in defense of our country. ACADEMICS Religion: We are taking a tour of the Liturgical Calendar and seasons of the church. No Quiz this week Spelling: New […]
Our week ahead: Work on the school and church parking lots has finished for now and therefore will NOT affect the car line this week. All K-4 classes still begin at 8:15, with dismissal at 2:45. Don’t forget: if your 4th grader has an older sibling, they will be waiting with them in front of […]
Our week ahead: Work on the school and church parking lots continues this week. As a result, school begins for all classes at 8:15, with dismissal at 2:45. Friday dismissal will be at noon. We will be going to Mass as a school on Wednesday. ACADEMICS Religion: We will be continuing the Beatitudes learning what […]
We will be going to Mass as a school this Wednesday, and on Friday we have our annual Jogathon! ACADEMICS Religion: We will be continuing the Beatitudes, learning what it means to show mercy and to be a peacemaker. Quiz on Thursday Social studies: We will learn how California became a state. Science: We will […]
It was wonderful to see so many parents at our Showcase and Sweets event last week. This will be a relatively quiet week, with School Families meeting for an activity on Friday morning. There is no Music class on Wednesday. Our week ahead: ACADEMICS Religion: We will be continuing the Beatitudes learning what it means […]
Welcome back! We hope that everyone enjoyed the Easter break. This Wednesday afternoon is the SHS Showcase and Sweets event. All sweets are presale only, with a 10 am Wednesday purchasing deadline. Look for the order form in the Family Envelope tomorrow. Our week ahead: ACADEMICS Religion: We will be continuing the Beatitudes, learning what […]
This will be a short week (dismissal at 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday), followed by a well-earned Easter break. There will be no Music classes this week. On Tuesday, students will receive their second trimester progress reports. On Wednesday the 8th graders will present the Living Stations of the Cross. Please join us if you can. […]
Welcome to the first week of the third trimester! Coming up this week: On Thursday the 8th graders present the Stations of the Cross to all grades. On Friday, students meet with their school families. Our week ahead: ACADEMICS Religion quiz Chapter 22 is on Friday. We will be continuing our study of the Beatitudes, […]
We are happy to share with everyone the good news that Mrs. Basamonowicz and baby Frederick are doing well. The fourth graders have adjusted well to the change in teachers and have been working hard for the past three weeks. Next Monday, March 22nd, is the beginning of the third trimester. Beginning next week, Mrs. […]