As we prepare for our Easter break this week, we have several important tasks to finish. If your child is not going to be at school every day this week, please send me an email so that I can arrange a different time for him/her to take the tests they will miss. If you have […]
Students will receive their second trimester report cards tomorrow, as well as the latest work packet information. Please sign and return the report card envelope by Friday. What we are working on this week Religion: We finish our discussion of the 5th commandment and begin the 6th commandment. Math: We continue Unit 6, continuing our […]
What a wonderful display of mission models and scrapbooks at the School Fair last Wednesday! Thank you for all of your hard work and guidance as these projects were completed. What we are working on this week Religion: We continue our discussion of the 5th commandment. Math: We continue Unit 6, focusing this week on the […]
Wednesday is the School Fair, from 6 to 7:30, and for that reason students may have a night off from Reading Logs and Fluency homework on Wednesday. Wednesday is also the beginning of our month-long celebration of Read Across America. What we are working on this week Religion: We will begin our discussion of the […]
This week we have a free dress (for $1) on Wednesday and a full day on Friday. If you haven’t sent in your burned matches, please do so as soon as possible. Next Wednesday is the School Fair; all mission models and scrapbooks should be brought to the parish center when you arrive in the […]
We had a fun Valentine’s Day celebration last Friday; thank you to all for your generosity! Tomorrow we will be attending Stations of the Cross at 2 p.m. Please join us if you can. If you haven’t sent in your burned matches, please do so as soon as possible. What we are working on this week […]
This Wednesday we attend Mass, as it is Ash Wednesday. Please join us for Mass if you can. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday morning with an exchange of valentines. Students should bring one for each student in the class. It is a half day, and a FREE free dress. If you haven’t sent […]
It was wonderful to have so many of you join us on Parents’ Day! This Wednesday we celebrate Student Appreciation Day; all students have free dress (no cost), will receive a hamburger lunch from Mrs. Benner, and no homework will need to be completed that evening. It is just over one month until the School […]
Our trip to San Buenaventura Mission and the Ventura County Museum was excellent. Everyone received a free pass to the museum for one student and one adult. It is well worth the visit! I look forward to seeing you this Friday morning for Parents’ Day. Please join us for Mass if you can. What we […]
Our field trip to San Buenaventura Mission and the Ventura County Museum will be tomorrow. Students may come in free dress ($1 donation to support the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society). I am still collecting cardboard for a Lenten art project; it should be about the weight of the backing of a […]