Fourth grade is really enjoying Judy Blume’s Superfudge. This week we read to discover how Peter and Fudgie adjust to their new school. Today there was a lot of laughter as we read about Fudgie’s first day of kindergarten! After the geometry test tomorrow (Tuesday) we will begin our unit on statistics and graphing. I […]
This week we will complete our geometry unit. I am encouraging the students to take their books home daily to review the terms and concepts learned. The test for this unit will be next Tuesday, May 22nd. The students have been working together to perform a variety of readers theatre presentations. We are working on […]
Parents, Please add these websites to your computer’s bookmarks. Encourage your children to spend time in the various programs to reinforce and improve upon their skills. Mrs. Sharon Redmond Suggested websites:
Third trimester progress reports will be sent home tomorrow. I have noticed that some students are less focused than they were earlier in the year. Please encourage your child to do his or her best every day. It is too early to check out! We will begin writing the next book report on Wednesday. All […]
Fourth and fifth grades attended a musical, Ellis Island, yesterday at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. Some students thought it was “wonderful”, others were not so taken. I thought it was a great opportunity to discuss musical theatre! This week we begin to read and discuss chapter 9 of social studies, “Challenges for California.” […]
Today we began hearing the poems students have been memorizing. We will continue with this through Thursday. I will then choose five to go to finals. This is a graded assignment and will be entered as an English grade. Tomorrow will be our chapter 9 math test. We then begin our geometry unit. Wednesday I […]
I hope you all had a restful Easter vacation. I am back after a great trip to Boston! This will be short, but I do want to give you the heads-up on a few upcoming tests. Next Tuesday, April 24th, will be our chapter 9 Math test. Wednesday the 25th is the date for our […]
This week in fourth grade we have a major focus on the meaning of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. We will read from our Bibles, discuss Jesus’ ride on the donkey into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Jesus being crucified, and His rising. We will also discuss the symbols of Easter and […]
There is a lot happening in fourth grade this week! Tuesday: Report cards will be sent home Wednesday: This day is our field trip to the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. Students are to wear their uniforms this day. We will return to school for lunch. There will be a quiz on the words from chapters […]
Today is the first day of our third trimester. Report cards will go home next Tuesday. I am very pleased with the progress the students are making. This week: Math; we connect fractions and decimals Social Studies; the chapter 7 test will be this Thursday Science; rocks! English; mechanics of writing Reading; book reports will […]