Dear Families, It was so great to meet everyone at Back to School night. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at We are getting into the routines and expectations of 5th grade. This Friday is a noon dismissal. On Sunday we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Sacred […]
Dear Families, This week is our first full week of school. We are off to a great start! Everyone is so eager to learn! Please join me for Back to School Night at 6:30 on Wednesday. Our class has P.E. on Thursday mornings. Please have your child wear P.E. uniforms on Thursday. Below […]
Dear Families, We made it to the last week of school! This week is filled with fun events. Please see below for an overview of our week. Monday: Field Day and Yearbooks will be delivered. Wednesday: We will be attending Mass at 8:30. Please join us if your schedule allows. Thursday: Spirit Day! We will […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful 4 day weekend. This week we are having two uniform sales. Wednesday will be the used uniform sale and Thursday will be the new uniform sale. Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will review factors and introduce solving ratio […]
Dear Families, There is no school this Friday or next Monday. We will be going on our field trip next Tuesday. Please make sure to return the waiver, permission slip and monies to school by Thursday. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will be reviewing how to compare fractions. We will then […]
Dear Families, We had a great time at our Jogathon. It was wonderful to see so many of you here. This Friday is a full day of school. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will focus on fraction division. Our IXL sections for this week are O.3 and E.3. Social Studies: Our […]
Dear Families, The winners from the poem contest will present their poems on Tuesday at 10:30. Wednesday is a Free Dress $1 for Earthquake Relief for Ecuador. This Friday is our Jogathon! Please remember to wear your P.E. uniform for the Jogathon. Below is an overview of our week: Religion: We will focus on the […]
Dear Families, On Tuesday our 3rd trimester progress reports will go home. Please sign and return by Friday. This Friday after Mass we will have our May Crowning in the church. Next Friday is our Jog-a-ton! Please return all donations and permission slips to the office. Below is an overview of our week. Math: Our […]
Mrs. Lyle, Mr. Hinojosa and the intermediate grade teachers and students have been working together to produce this spring’s musical program. The doors of Biedermann Hall will open at 6p and the program will start at 6:30p. Scrip will be available for purchase between 6-6:30p in the foyer of The Hall. See you there!
Dear Families, We have a very busy week ahead of us! We will be participating in “Farm Day” on Wednesday from 8:00 to noon. Please make sure your child is at school on time. For snack I am asking that each student bring a snack and drink in a paper bag. The Intermediate Spring Program […]