Dear Families, I hope everyone had a nice weekend. This Wednesday, October 12th is Free Dress Day for $1. All funds raised will go towards Hurricane Relief. Please see below for an overview of our week. Religion: We will focus on the 4 Marks of the Church. Math: Our objective this week is to review […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is Picture Day we will be taking individual pictures and a class picture. October 12th is our first Free Dress Day for a $1 donation. Funds raised will go towards Hurricane Relief. Below please see an overview of our week. Religion: We are focusing on the five basic forms of prayer. […]
Dear Families, We have been working hard in 5th grade making connections across our curriculum. The students love to make connections to our books. Please see below for an overview of our week Religion: Chapter 2, Jesus Celebrates the Sacraments Math: We will develop estimation strategies when finding an exact answer is impractical. Science: Plant […]
Dear Families, Art starts this week in 5th grade! We will have art every Tuesday morning. This week we have our states test on Thursday. Below please see an overview of our week. Religion: We are focusing on the Lord’s prayer and the 7 petitions in the Lord’s prayer. Math: I am introducing factor strings […]
Several times a year, students take Common Core standardized tests, STAR Testing, to measure progress during the school year. Normally the test is taken three times during the year, but the pandemic prevented that occurrence since March of 2020. During the last two years, upper grade students worked on STAR Testing at least twice, but […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful weekend. This Tuesday Progress Reports will go home in the Family Envelope. On Thursday we will have an Earthquake Safety Drill at 10:30. Thursday October 29 is Picture Day. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: We are finishing up Unit 1 and are focusing […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a nice long weekend. We are very busy in 5th grade! This Friday is Stations of the Cross at 1:45. Please join us if your schedule allows. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We will practice displaying and analyzing data. Religion: We continue our study of […]
Dear Families, There is no school this Friday, March 6th. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: We are starting unit 6. This week we are focusing on organizing data. ELA: We begin a new unit on writing memoirs. We are finishing our book Fever. Word Work: Students will take the spelling test […]
Dear Families, This Friday is a noon dismissal for students. We will be attending Mass on Wednesday. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: We are finishing up unit 5 this week. We will take our Unit 5 test next Monday. Word Work: Students have their words for this week written in their […]
Dear Families, Please join us Wednesday at 6:00 for our School Fair. The students did a wonderful job on their projects. This Friday is a full day of school. Please see below for an overview of our week. Math: Our focus this week is on equivalent fractions, decimals and percents. Science: Clouds form and release […]