Dear Families, Thank you all who donated a stuffed animal for Teddy Bear Day! This week is the annual Sacred Heart Food Pantry collection. Red collection bins will be located at the front of the school all week. This Wednesday in the final day to bring in bottle caps. Friday is a noon dismissal and […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving Break. Teddy Bear Day is tomorrow. If you have not already done so please bring in a new stuffed animal. Below please see an overview of our week. Math: We are reviewing partial quotients division. Religion: Our focus this week is the purpose of the Lord’s […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday. We have so much to be thankful for. This Wednesday is a noon dismissal and a Free Dress day for $1.00. Looking ahead, Tuesday, December3rd is Teddy Bear Day. Please bring a new stuffed animal on Tuesday. Below please see an overview of our short week. […]
Kindergarten and 5th grade spent some quality time together Friday after Mass. They listened to facts while watching a ‘how to draw’ video. We think their drawings are amazing! St. Pope Paul John II is the Patron Saint of labor. He was canonized by Pope Francis in 2014. School-wide Learning Expectations A. 1 Learn about […]
Dear Families, This Friday is our Saints Parade and a noon dismissal. Family envelopes will go home on Thursday. There is no school on Monday the 11th for Veterans Day. Below please see an overview of our week: Religion: We are describing the difference between venial and mortal sin. Vocabulary: Unit 4. We will have […]
Dear Families, This week we have a noon dismissal on Friday. On Wednesday we are having a Free Dress day for $1. On Thursday for Halloween we are have a Free Dress day at no charge. No costumes please. Students may pre order Halloween Tattoos this week. Tattoos are $1 each. Students may buy as […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend. It is suppose to heat up again this week. Please make sure to send extra water for your child. This week is the Halloween Tattoo Presale for $1 each. Halloween donuts will be delivered on Thursday. Please see an overview of our week: Math: We will be […]
Dear Families, This week we start the Halloween donut presale. Each donut is $2.00. This Friday is a noon dismissal. Please see below for an overview of our week: Math: We are reviewing for our Unit 2 test on Thursday. IXL this week is Multiple by a power of 10 with exponents. This IXL is […]
In fifth grade we are discussing how our guardian angel is a friend we do not see but feel their presence. Students gave examples of how their guardian angels helped them.
Dear Families, On Tuesday Progress Reports will be going home. Please sigh and return to school by Friday. Picture retake day is on Wednesday. This Friday is a 2:45 dismissal. Looking ahead Monday the 14th is a Free Dress day for $1. There is no school lunches for the week of October 14-18th. Below is […]