The 7th grade class is wrapping up their study of the mighty African kingdoms of Mali and Ghana. They created Buncees on the many animals in Africa and then used those animals to write and illustrate an African Folktale that has a moral or explains something in nature. Next we travel to Japan!
The 7th grade class reviewed the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Rise of the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople. We have explored how Christianity spread, the different barbarian tribes, and the hustle and bustle life in Constantinople during the early centuries. Our next adventure is to the Middle East!🐪
The middle school students reviewed a Brainpop movie on going back to school in 2020. We then discussed the challenges and strategies to help us complete a successful year. Part of the discussion focused on staying positive through our faith and support of our families. We are ready to learn and grow in 2020!
Middle school has been busy. Remote learning (and teaching) has its challenges but with some help from our science lab assistant we were able to pack up some necessary items for family pick up and were able to complete a few labs remotely! 8th graders have completed their studies on the Solar System with a […]
The 7th grade is studying the Mayan culture. We learned about their farming methods, religion and building capabilities. This week the class completed essays, a test and then drew these beautiful Mexican Folk Art pictures. So colorful and bright and enjoyable. Next we begin to study the Aztec culture.
The 7th grade discussed the meaning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus during religion class. It is a wonderful time during Easter season to reflect upon the great love Jesus has for all of us. The class drew and colored the symbol of the Sacred Heart.
AS 7th grade continues their study of the Renaissance, we are learning about the many architectural feats accomplished during the 16th century. The class viewed many magnificent churches and structures from that time period. Then each student designed a building with the 3 elements of architecture; function, form and aesthetics. There were many clever ideas […]
The 7th grade spent time this week reflecting on using the Fruits of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 to help us on our Lenten journey. Indeed many of the fruits, joy, patience, and faithfulness are much needed now!
The 7th grade continues their study on the life and teachings of Jesus. This week we are analyzing parables and applying the lessons from the parables to our life. Working in groups the class is writing parables with a lesson and characters applicable to our modern times. Growing our faith, not judging others, trusting in […]
Sixth grade is studying plate tectonics and this week we made a model of one of the 5 physical layers of the Earth. It is a solid but acts as a liquid…it is our asthenosphere and in lab we made oobleck to help us learn about this unique layer of the Earth. Seventh grade is […]