On Friday we had many parents visit the middle school classrooms with their children. In history class the 6th and 7th grade are studying different Ancient China dynasties. So the 6th grade worked on a geography activity about the Forbidden City while enjoying a fortune cookie. The 7th grade enjoyed making different pictures using the […]
Seventh grade has been studying cells. After the holidays we reviewed animal and plant cells and some of the structures inside cells through participating in an escape room. The students break into groups of 4 or 5 and run through a series of puzzles, analyzing the “clue” and then answering the question posed in each […]
6th Graders have just finished our unit on energy and have been studying alternative energy resources. In our lab this week, we used the energy found in falling water to lift a weight. We challenged ourselves to find various factors that affected how quickly a water wheel could lift a penny. Some of the factors […]
Middle School students met in departments just before Thanksgiving to prepare for the month of December. Our Spirituality Department planned our Mass for December and chose Saint Nicholas as the saint-of-the month. The Service Department counted bottle caps, worked on Advent inspirational posters and virtue posters for Saint Nicholas. Our Social Department created a beautiful […]
Seventh graders have been studying cells. We’ve learned that cells have different structures that help them meet their needs. We’ve learned that plant and animal cells are different in their structures and in their shape. We spent a few days in the lab making slides of algae (that the students brought from home), onion skin, […]
On October 25, a Friday afternoon, Sacred Heart’s seventh and eighth graders came together for a middle school department meeting. Departments is the way Sacred Heart School middle schoolers get to plan events for the school, make posters, and use their leadership skills. All middle school grades, sixth, seventh, and eighth, are split up into […]
The 7th grade is completing the study on Ancient Africa. The class went to the Ojai Storytelling Festival and learned about griots who told folktales in Africa. After the sharing of our Glogs on African animals each student wrote exciting folktales that explained traits of animals, or why the savanna exists, or why we should […]
“ It was very cool and awesome, ”says Jeweliana Rodriguez , a second grader who attends Sacred Heart School. It was Monday, September 9 , 2019 a lady dressed as a ladybug arrived to the Sacred Heart School campus. The second grade class was waiting anxiously in the library. Lunch had just ended and it […]
Mr. Hinojosa is a man of many talents. People say someone is “good with their hands” and he is. On Mondays and Wednesdays he is the music teacher and the music minister for Sacred Heart Church on the weekend. This year he added another job. He is the Plant Manager for Sacred Heart Church and […]
That moment when a student realizes that Pythagoras was correct and a squared plus b squared really does equal c squared. Seventh graders have spent the last few days learning a bit about Pythagoras and playing with his famous equation. We found the length of the hypotenuse by calculating the area of triangles and squares […]