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Thank you letters

Faith, Kindergarten By May 8, 2020 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Our daily prayers always include people in the medical field as well patients in their care. One of our writing assignments was to write to our health care providers and patients. Your children did a fabulous job! Four of our class families either work in a hospital or have a relative or […]


Bible Heart

6th Grade, Faith By February 19, 2020 No Comments

The 6th grade class is studying the Old Testament in religion. As part of that curriculum we are learning the sections of the Bible, books, chapters, and how to use the Catholic Youth Bible. Using the table of contents the students colored beautiful hearts as they discovered which books are in the Old Testament and […]


Palestine before Jesus

6th Grade, Faith By February 6, 2020 No Comments

The 6th grade class continues to focus on the Old Testament. We are now learning about some of the prophets including Isaiah and Amos. Using a worksheet and the projector we colored in a map of Israel and Judah from ancient times. The map helps us understand the places and people of ancient Palestine.


Parable Lessons

7th Grade, Faith By February 5, 2020 No Comments

The 7th grade continues their study on the life and teachings of Jesus. This week we are analyzing parables and applying the lessons from the parables to our life. Working in groups the class is writing parables with a lesson and characters applicable to our modern times. Growing our faith, not judging others, trusting in […]


Be like Martin

Faith, Kindergarten By January 21, 2020 No Comments

Learning about MLK Jr. brought many things to mind with Kindergarten. They learned about his dream of peace, equality and that treatment of others was not always good. A big word discrimination with 5 syllables and much more. Here are a few samples of their work. They are fantastic!
