Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a healthy start to the New Year! I am excited to be back in class with your children. We have lots of learning to do this important trimester! A look at our week: Religion continues with the coming of Christ and his life as […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Thank you for taking time to meet for conferences last week. Your children are doing well; they are enjoying learning in groups /partners as they connect and build their friendships. The first trimester we worked on building a strong community. I feel blessed to be teaching your children. Thank you for choosing […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Wrapping a book from home library is a fun way to read during Advent! In your child’s homework folder you will find their copy of Young Explorer. Read magazine together focus on reindeer. Use the “All About Reindeer” book response, draw and label facts from article. Read a fiction book and report […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, A busy week ahead! Your children are busy working academically and practicing for the Christmas Program. Progress Reports come home tomorrow, keep for your records, we ask you return the envelope signed. Please review their progress, any questions can be answered during our conference later this week. More Teddy Bears and other […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Read to and with your child each night. Look for sight words, they should be known in a snap! Ask your child about ‘snap word power’, sound out simple consonant-vowel-consonant words using ‘sound power’ and always track each word with finger. So many families are using Reading Glue, but it is fine […]
Today the fourth grade class invited kindergarten to their owl pellet dissection lab. An owl pellet dissection lab is an interesting and fun way to learn about the eating habits of birds of prey— birds such as owls that eat rodents and small birds. This life science lab captured the interest of all students! Lab […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving Day and enjoyed a nice long weekend! A peek at our week: The Saint Vincent de Paul food drive begins Monday through Friday this week. Your child will be bringing home a paper bag with a suggested list of non-perishable food items. Please be generous […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Thanksgiving !! Hoping everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving Holiday! We have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for allowing me to spend time each day teaching and enjoying your children! They are truly a blessing! A reminder to bring in teddy bears or other plush for Teddy Bear Day on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone gets a chance to see the super moon Sunday night and early Monday morning! A look at our week: *vision screening on Monday morning *art lesson with Nancy Spooner on Tuesday *Friday Flag retirement at 11:00 -dismissal at 2:45 Academics: Religion – understanding how precious we are! Our lesson […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Since this is a holiday weekend, homework will be due on Monday, November 21. Enjoy your long weekend! Next week spend 20 minutes each night reading. Use reading log or Reading Glue to list books. Find a favorite book to report on with one of the forms below: reading-log family-book-report non-fiction-book-response We […]