Dear Kindergarten Families, You will find a print practice sheet with your child’s name in the homework folder. So we can master the correct formation of numbers, a number print page is included. Please assist your kindergartner with their printing, stress neatness and starting at the top. They know about starting all letters and numbers […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Fabulous Saint’s Parade! Your children did a great job Friday. We enjoyed learning about several more saints from the second and first grade students. This week will be shorten as we celebrate Veterans Day on Wednesday. A reminder to send in $1.00 per donut. One donut to eat and the others will […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Reading, print practice, sight word search and math will be our focus for homework this week. Continue to color minutes on the November reading log, otherwise track reading minutes with the Book it app. b print practice list 2 IXL D.7 – practice reading tally marks IXL Q.3 light and heavy Visit […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, A new month with much to do! I have had a few questions regarding the Saint’s Parade. Please bring your children to school in their saint costume. Kindergarten, first and second grade saints will precede together into church. They will sit in first few rows without buddies. Parents will need to find […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We are enjoying the Saint’s reports and fiction book reports from last week! This coming week find the October Young Explorer magazine in your child’s homework folder. Read together or a non-fiction book and use the form below. Continue with tracking app for reading or use the November Reading Log color the […]
Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students, their families, and teachers are preparing for this year’s longstanding Sacred Heart School tradition. With each student dressed as a saint, the kinder, first, and second grade students enter the church with the priest and altar servers and sit in the first pews throughout the Mass. As Mass ends, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Monday we are walking field trip to the Fire Station, led by Fire Fighter Captain Thom Hoffman. We will be with our 4th grade buddies as they review fire safety and we tour the fire station. This field trip will connect with our learning about community helpers and fire safety. Be sure […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Great book responses last week! I am noticing a considerable increase in reading through the book-it app. For those with access issues, continue to record on the log. The Saint Reports look very nice and will be on display in our class next week. This week continue reading with tracker or log. […]
Our religion focus is the many forms of prayer. Sometimes we kneel to pray and lie down to pray after our religion lesson on carpet. Many student return from Mass singing songs of prayer. Here are a couple of pictures to enjoy.
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a lot of help and fun Friday during Primary Centers. Thank you parents/grandparents who came and assisted our class. The students sure enjoy your help and presence! On to a new week and cooler weather. Upcoming events and school news: Non-uniform dress on Wednesday – please send in $1.00 or […]