October is here! Picture day tomorrow! Primary Centers is Friday with noon dismissal. Your children have learned how the gifts, fruits of the Spirit can help us be our best. Now it’s time we learn about our Saints in heaven. Looking ahead … November we will have our annual Saint’s Parade. Students from K, 1, […]
Throughout the school year, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students enjoy Primary Centers on one of the Noon Dismissal Fridays each month. Our first is scheduled for Friday, October 3. Students from each grade are placed in groups of a single Kindergarten student, a first, and a second grade student. These groups are then divided […]
Dear Kindergarten families, Last week of September! We are learning about fall, apples, deciduous and evergreen trees. The Fruits of the Spirit, will continue to be our religion focus along with Old Testament stories. Language arts finds us learning letters/sounds. Math – number formation, patterns, addition with objects and shapes. Upcoming news Friday is a […]
Dear Kindergarten families, This week homework begins! Check your child’s backpack for the green homework folder. Book Response form Kids A-Z information. Please go to app store if your child does not have kids a-z installed. When installed, note my teacher username cbrown608. Students icon and password are on card. Have your student listen/read a […]
Mrs Brown, Mrs Driscoll, and Mrs Giacolone look forward to meeting with family members from each of the primary grades on Tuesday afternoon at 5p. In each classroom, the teacher will share a 20-minute presentation and each will have all the necessary information in a handout that will be emailed or sent home following the […]
Dear Kindergarten families, The count down in single digits has begun! Thursday we will be counting only 8 days left of school. Hard to believe your children are already finishing up this school year, getting ready for summer and first grade! Your children have a letter with important information for Family Field Day on June […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The last week of April is upon us! We have a noon dismissal on Friday with Primary Centers! Family envelope has important information and forms for In-N-Out fundraiser and Spring Pictures – please return red envelope before May 8 to enjoy a lunch date with your student! A look at our academics […]
Hello Kindergarten families, Thank you for coming to the Showcase and Sweets on Friday! We are very proud of our school and the displays in each classroom. The Second Trimester Grading Reports will come home on Tuesday in the Red Office envelope. Please sign and return just the envelope – keep the report for your […]
Hello Kindergarten Families, March is here! So much fun is ahead 🙂 Please mark your calendars!! Sincere thanks for your prayers and generous donations for the victims in Turkey and Syria. Lent continues to be our Religion focus as we learn about the Stations of the Cross. Continued prayers for those in need. We pray […]
Valentine’s Day was a happy one. 🙂 My Valentine gift to all is NO Homework this week!! Cozy up and read with your little valentine(s)! Friday is a noon dismissal with Primary Centers! Please send in a donation on Friday to help aid the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. Your children will enjoy free […]