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optional homework

Kindergarten By January 30, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, As Catholic Schools week come to an end, I am not assigning homework papers.  However, the third Everyday Math booklet will come home. Please bring in book 2 for a sticker and we will return it. These books are to keep and use  🙂  There are many ways to practice math everyday!! […]


January 26

Kindergarten By January 25, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Your students and I really enjoyed having their parents in class! Thank you for coming and working right along in centers with your child. I appreciate you!! We will celebrate Catholic Schools this last week of January! On Wednesday we appreciate our students with free dress no $$ this time and a […]



Kindergarten By January 22, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Here is a breakdown of what is expected for this week’s homework. 1. Read for a minimum of 15 minutes each night list on Reading Log. 2. Write a non-fiction book response. The Young Explorer is a good source to use. 3. Research and report on an animal from the World Book […]


January 20

Kindergarten By January 19, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Thanks to all parents who were able to come and help during Primary Centers, and to those who prepared the cutouts for last Friday. We appreciate your help! This week will be eventful:  Starting with the 100th day of school on Wednesday. It is amazing  we are already past the half-way mark! […]



Kindergarten By January 16, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Some hundred day bags are coming in! Please send your child’s bag in on Tuesday. We will be counting items on Wednesday. As you enjoy the 3day weekend, spend time reading and list on reading log. I am seeing so much growth with the book responses- your children are very proud when […]


January 12, 2015

Kindergarten By January 12, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Tomorrow is our field trip to the Fire Station! We are excited to review people in our community and learn more about safety. Ayden will celebrate his 6th birthday on January 21, which happens to be the 10oth day of school! Your child may bring in their 100 day bag anytime this […]



Kindergarten By January 9, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, It is time for your children to get familiar with the World Book online. We will be using this site for research to compare animals for our school fair project in March.  Please help your child get comfortable with this site. Login information is labeled inside their red homework folder. Click on […]


January 5, 2015

Kindergarten By January 5, 2015 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy New Year and welcome back to the school routine! I hope all enjoyed a blessed Christmas with loved ones and friends. As we return to school our work will cover a review of Advent and focus on Epiphany. We will learn how difficult the journey was for the Wise Men to […]



Kindergarten By December 12, 2014 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week – as always read and list on reading log and report on a favorite story using the Story Map. Use the websites to reinforce math skills, letter word association and listen to read aloud stories. Reading Log Story Map sites: EM 3.10 play Top-it choose Challenge tab- drop down to […]
