Dear Kindergarten Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend! This week will be exciting as we prepare for Grandparent’s Day on Friday. If your child’s grandparent(s) live far away or cannot be present… family friends or parents can certainly fill in. It is important for kinders to have someone present for them on […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we move into this 3-day weekend, homework will be shortened. Although, reading is always a component of our weekly homework. The importance it has on your child’s success is too great! Below you will find a link to download the reading/web log. Notice the home link letter from Everyday Math – […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We are off to a great start! Thank you for coming to Back to School Night. If you were unable to attend, do not hesitate to send me an email with any questions. Your children enjoyed checking out a library book on Thursday afternoon. Please return books by Wednesday in order to […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, It is time to start homework! Please note homework is posted each Friday to be returned on Thursday. Hopefully your schedule will allow a little time each day or evening to enjoy reinforcing what we do in class. This week worksheets include the reading log, name print practice, an “All About Me” […]
Our first science lab on soil. Your students suited up with gloves used craft sticks and the hand lens to observe humus. Their observations were recorded to graph later.
Dear Kindergarten Parents, We are off to a great start! Enjoy a few snapshots of our first three days: Please join us for Back to School Night on Wednesday evening at 6:30! – This is an important meeting for parents or guardians. Academics and Common Core standards, School-wide Learning Expectations, homework, service hours, field trips, […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I am happy to welcome your student to our school! I want to thank the families that were able to attend orientation today. Your children came ready to learn. We had fun finding our seats, listening to directions, printing our names, graphing our favorite ice cream, and of course visiting […]
Who: Parents/Family Members and incoming kindergarten students When: Tuesday, August 5 Time: 4-5p Place: School Library After introductions, the kindergarten students will join Mrs. Brown in the classroom to get acquainted with their new friends and explore the classroom and playground as the adult family members remain in the library. Sacred Heart School staff members […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Amazing how time flies by when your having fun! What a great year we have had. 🙂 Thank you for your children, they have all done a fantastic job learning and making friends this year. I appreciate all our families for the extra time and things you did to make our year […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We are moving to single digits as we count down the last stretch of our kindergarten school year. As I look over this year, your students have made amazing progress! 🙂 Grace and Leea have June birthdays! July birthdays – Joseph and Sergio! On Wednesday, our last Jogathon free dress. Library books […]