Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, This week I am including worksheets to print out along with the reading/web log. Please read to and with your child for 15 to 20 minutes each night. Time on websites will vary with the different programs and interest. List time spend and if your child enjoys the site. Reading […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, September is here and so is the hot weather! It was a nice 3-day weekend- I hope everyone had time to enjoy the extra day with family and friends. Grandparent’s Day is on Friday! It is important for kindergarten children to have a grandparent(s) or a special friend come to class and/or […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your students are showing great enthusiasm for their homework! Each week I will post homework on Friday to be returned the following Thursday. Most times homework is totally online. This week I am sending a wordless booklet your children started reading this week. Please read together discussing how the pictures are telling […]
Our first science lab captured your children’s interest as they explored/observed humus found under avocado trees. Working together like young scientists, they investigated samples of good topsoil. They recorded their findings with drawings. I am proudly displaying their work along with a couple of movie clips for your families to enjoy! ( 30 second videos-may […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The first full week of school was busy! Your children were exposed to many school activities and other students while getting used to our daily routine. And they did very well. This week will consist of a more ‘normal’ weekly schedule. Friday we have a noon dismissal and I will send home […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your students are asking for homework! I post homework on our website each Friday – please return the reading log the following Thursday. Look for this red homework folder in your child’s gold envelope. Reading together each night is essential. Reading builds confidence, vocabulary, basic speech skills, connecting ideas, and helps in […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are on the first full week of school! Your children are excited and ready to work. The routines are being established with class materials as we work in academic centers for language arts and math. Today we enjoyed our singing in our music class! Religion focus: Welcomes are Good! We […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I am happy to welcome your student to our school! I want to thank the families that were able to attend orientation last Tuesday. Your children came ready to learn. I am excited to begin on Wednesday and see all your children again. They are a great group of children-it […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Your students last week as kindergartners! It is really hard to believe. This year went by so fast and they will be moving on to first grade. I am very proud of your children as I know you are. It has been a pleasure teaching them this year. They make […]
There’s a summer raffle going on for students k-5. Tickets are available at the school store tomorrow. Tickets cost only 25 cents! Drawing is on Tuesday, June 18, additional tickets can be purchased that morning. click summer raffle to view the flyer and see a list of prizes!!