Dear Kindergarten Families,

Your students are showing great enthusiasm for their homework! Each week I will post homework on Friday to be returned the following Thursday.

Most times homework is totally online. This week I am sending a wordless booklet your children started reading this week. Please read together discussing how the pictures are telling a story. Have your child color a favorite part, characters, or school items. In addition, read to and with your child 15-2o minutes each evening. All reading counts! Record on the log.

You will find math paper in the red homework folder. In class, we worked on the practice page as we continue to understand the concepts of position. The challenge side of the paper “Before, After and Between” are homework.  The section in ixl math K.4 (above and below) will continue to reinforce this concept. If you do not have the user name and password from this summer — please send me an email. It is important to keep with the same login – for credit on this part of homework.

Reading/Web log


PBS kids (apple picking)

IXL math (K.4) positions above and below

Tina’s World (Buggy Trails)

Otkas Rescue

Enjoy your 3-day weekend!

Mrs. Carol Brown
