Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, As we get ready for Easter Vacation, homework will be light–read nightly and record on reading/web log and Book-it form. March is the last month for the Book-it program. Links are provided below to download, print and return. I am including two faith related websites along with Word Family Sort. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, March seems to be ending like a lion! It is hard to believe there are only five days left in this month. In class, we will be reading about Palm Sunday and making a palm craft. Holy Week will be discussed as we prepare for Easter. Report Cards are coming home on […]
Kindergarten Parents and Families, We are in need of new crayons to finish the year! Please purchase a box of Crayola crayons, 16 count for your child. This week our homework will consist of two worksheets and the reading / web log. The worksheets will download together. Click below to download and print papers for […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Spring is almost here! This week starts the third trimester of school. Your students are showing a lot of growth. Please encourage them to keep doing their very best work. Wednesday is a busy day: free dress — for $1.00 to support “Blessings in a Backpack” Stations of the Cross at 11:00 […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Plants has been our science focus. Included in this week’s homework is a science booklet, “Plants” started in class Thursday. Read and discuss it with your child. Coloring should be finished and on the last page, draw products from plants and animals. I have included a math work sheet to […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I hope everyone had a great weekend. This week sounds like winter will be noted with some chilly days ahead. If your child is missing a school sweater come by and check. I have a couple unidentified sweaters in class. Last week all our hard work on the land-form project […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Thank you for working with your children to complete homework each week. I am impressed how comfortable they are accessing our school website. Not to mention how well they work around the web games. This week your students had ‘free choice’ when in computer lab. They choose to visit the […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I am hoping you heard all about our outreach program, Ladybug Lady and her Creepy Crawly Friends. She came in costume, used puppets, and gave us lots of information on many kinds of insects. She did a great job and will return in April to teach us about marine life […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Homework for this week: Print practice first and last name. Have your child use correct case. Only initials should be in upper case. Math chapter 6 starts off with calendar. A worksheet noting this concept and a list of weekdays for practicing order. I included a science paper to follow […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Our field trip was great. We are continuing to discuss eating healthy and following with an activity this week. By using food ads we are categorizing fruits and vegetables into four areas by color of food and how it keeps us healthy. Ask your children – they know what color food helps […]