Dear Parents, This week the 100 day project is due on Tuesday. Please return items in 100-day bag. Group items in sets of 5’s or 10’s for easier counting. We will use these for science and math on Tuesday. This project is required. Please read / record on reading log. Practice sight word and ‘at […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Thank you parents for making Primary Centers a great day! Your time and prep work was greatly appreciated. If you need another service hour sheet click here: 2011-2012-Service-Hours-Sheet I have envelopes coming home today for our outreach program, “Hey, Little Ant.” This program cost $7.00, if paying by check, make it out […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Homework for this week is listed below. I have reformatted the assignment sheet and logs for easier downloading and printing. Please let me know if you are having trouble printing this week. We are close to the halfway point in school. It is time to use reading tools to build reading skills […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, As we begin another week in January we have two more birthdays to celebrate! Carlos had his birthday last Wednesday, we will catch up and acknowledge his birthday this week. Elizabeth will be six on Thursday, she will be wearing her birthday crown this week as well. Primary Centers is on Friday […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week homework is completely online. Please let me know if there are any difficulties retrieving documents. I am keeping homework simple, a couple of worksheets and a book report. As always, websites will be provided below with interactive games as an educational approach to learning. Please download and print directions, log […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas vacation with family and friends. The New Year is here and it is time to settle back in to the routine of school. I want to express my thanks to our room moms and to all who came to help with our Christmas party. The center […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, It is starting to feel like Christmas…I would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Rest and enjoy your families this holiday season. We are truly blessed and have so much to be thankful for. A snowglobe activity for your children from Golden Books. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, December 9, 2011 I enjoyed talking to all of you at our parent conferences this week. Thank you for coming! Please contact me if you have any questions that were not covered during our meeting. We have only a few days before Christmas vacation…..homework consists of two worksheets and the […]
Kindergarten Families, This week homework is going home traditionally in the red folder. I am suggesting a couple websites that will help your child with letter recognition, keyboarding skills and a fun counting game for Christmas. Two sites: and are extensive websites for kids. Click on this red link for keyboarding choose level […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Holiday. Amazing how fast the month of November went by…Advent is already here! TEDDY BEAR Day is coming soon –December 6. Please purchase a new stuffed animal for the less fortunate families in Los Angeles. Have your kindergartner bring a stuffed animal of their […]