Welcome to today’s graduation. It is a special day – for the graduates, for their proud parents and grandparents, and for their teachers. Today is one of those great occasions when we get to celebrate our young people – their achievements, their perseverance and their successes as they grow. Graduation is seen as an official […]
Third grade families, I still cannot believe we have reached our final week of third grade. Thank you to all of the third grade families for such a blessed and wonderful year. Each child has shown so much progress since our first day together and I couldn’t be any more proud of them all. Thank […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, We made it! Summer vacation is (almost) here! There will be many special events taking place, as this is the last week of school. Below you will find a short outline: Wednesday: We will be attending 8:30 mass followed by our annual end-of-year awards ceremony for the departing 8th graders in […]
This year the 6th grade class started the day with inspiring quotes written on the board each morning by students. The quotes varied each week based on the subject matter we were studying, holidays or events. The quotes always began our day in a positive way along with the daily readings from mass. We are […]
Note From Mrs. Vazquez: I cannot believe this is our last week together! We had a lot of fun in First Grade. Thank you for all the support throughout the year. I can’t wait to see them in August in Ms. Espinosa’s class. A SNEAK PEEK AT OUR WEEK REMINDERS/EVENTS Tuesday & Thursday: No P.E. […]
Dear Kindergarten families, It has really been a great year! I have enjoyed our class each and every day with your amazing children. 🙂 It is hard to believe it’s our last week of school! Continue reading to and with your child as the lazy days of summer begin! Practice word families, sight words, re-read […]
During this last week of school, the 8th Grade spends their days looking back and looking forward! On Monday, the final assembly of the school year includes their announcements of their high school destinations and their sprint around our patio as they tap each of the doors of the class and common rooms where they […]
Note From Mrs. Vazquez: First grade LOVED the zoo field trip! I hope you heard about their zoo trip highlight this weekend. We are getting ready to end our year. Please make sure to check out the school calendar on our website especially for Monday’s activity. 🙂 Homework: No Homework Students have a spelling sort […]
Third grade families, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and spent it relaxing with family and friends. As we wrap up these final two weeks together, please keep a look out for our school calendar to get all the insight on upcoming end of school year events! Important Dates: Thursday, May 30this the […]
Dear Fourth Grade Families, We are down to single digits until the end of our school year together. Here’s our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are still working on Unit 9! This week, we talk about percents and number stories! ELA: -Writing: We are working on our final writing project! It is due -Reading: This is […]