Welcome to today’s graduation.  It is a special day – for the graduates, for their proud parents and grandparents, and for their teachers. 

Today is one of those great occasions when we get to celebrate our young people – their achievements, their perseverance and their successes as they grow. Graduation is seen as an official way to recognize when a person is ready for the next phase of their life, and graduates you are ready.  You have learned much through the years.

Eighth grade: Although our time together in first grade was short, I remember your wide eyes and smiling faces – the excitement of being together and learning something new. This year, as you greeted me each morning, I saw those same wide eyes and ….sometimes smiling faces, still excited to be together.  I look up at you now – and know that those wide eyes and smiling faces are ready…

Each year you have become a little more independent. You persevered, and you have succeeded.  You face a future that holds the unknown but with the foundation you have built here at Sacred Heart School, with the love of your family and friends and with your faith, you will meet whatever life has in store for you.

You are ready for the next step.  However, I ask you to take this chance to dedicate yourself to making the next years even better.  Remember that you don’t have to follow the crowd.  Do the right thing, even if no one is looking.  Study hard, check your work, and remember that you are investing in yourself with every test you take and every book you read.

I pray that you will wake each morning and search for God throughout your day.

That you will meet the challenges life tosses your way with prayer and confidence.

That the toys and noise of this world will not reflect in your eyes.

That life will be an adventure with Christ; not too predictable or overly planned,

that you will make time to be available to Him.

I wish you joy with just enough discomfort so you will appreciate the joy.

I wish you prosperity with just enough struggle to make you responsible and generous.

I wish you peace but not enough to make you complacent.

Embrace the life God gives you,

always seek His face,

always hope, always dream,

work hard, pray hard,

serve often, laugh often

And love unconditionally…as He has always loved you.

This is the end of one part of your journey and the beginning of the next.  It has been an honor being part of your journey.  May God watch over you and guide you.

Congratulations to the class of 2019, congratulations to your parents, and to all the teachers and everyone else who helped our graduates reach here today.  Congratulations, class of 2019 – Here we go!
