The 7th grade continues their study of ancient Japan. We are learning about their unique geography and lasting culture. The ancient samurai warriors practiced the art of Zen. Today the students created their own Zen gardens while listening to traditional Japanese music. At the end of class everyone was very relaxed! We are looking forward […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Wednesday we will be at the church for Stations of the Cross at 2:00 Please join us if you schedule allows. This Friday is a full day of school with a 2:45 dismissal. Please see below an overview of our week: Math: Our focus this week […]
Students are coming home today with the permission slip for our next field trip. We will be going to Olivas Adobe on March 1st. Please return the permission form and payment as soon as possible. We will be going to Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 2 p.m. You are most welcome to join […]
Dear Parents, February 20, 2018 Here’s what we are doing in first grade… Language Arts: Within phonics, we will see vowel pairs that do not follow our long vowel sound. This week, we will look at “oo” as in “book”, “cook”, and “look”. In addition, we will also be focusing on compound words – […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Hope all enjoyed President’s Day. If your schedule permits, please join us for Stations of the Cross 2:00 on Wednesday afternoon. We have a lot to cover in this shortened week. Religion – Learning about the Stations of the Cross. Our text lesson is from Chapter 15, Jesus teaches us to be […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The homework that came in Thursday was fantastic! I sure enjoyed reading your children’s response to their Young Explorer magazine. 🙂 This coming week continue to read and do a family book response. I’ll link two choices one for fiction and another for non-fiction. Choose one depending on book they loved reading. […]
Hello Third Grade Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! We will be exchanging cards Wednesday morning. Please remember to send in your covered box. Directions were sent last week via e-mail. Math: Unit 6 continues with a study of polygons and angles. We will be taking a closer look at a variety of shapes with a special […]
Dear Families, On Tuesday our Progress Reports go home. Please sign and return by Friday the 16th. Wednesday is our Valentines Exchange. Please make sure your child brings enough valentines for all 21 students. Wednesday is also a no cost Free Dress. Friday is a noon dismissal. Below is an overview of our week. Math: […]
The season of Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Please join us if you can at the 8:30 Mass. Students will exchange valentines in class on Wednesday afternoon; a class list was given to the students last week. Friday is a half day, and next Monday is a free day, as we celebrate President’s […]
Dear Parents, February 12, 2018 Here’s what we are doing in first grade… Language Arts: We are squeezing in as much time as possible for our nonfiction chapter books! Within phonics, we will be focusing again on our vowel pairs. This week, we will look at “oa” and “ow”. Although “w” is not a […]