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weekly newsletter for 4/14

3rd Grade By April 14, 2014 No Comments

Dearest Third Grade Families, Happy Easter! This is our last week before the holiday break. In class, we will work toward tying up as many loose ends as possible so that we can truly enjoy the time off. Since this is a short week, we will not have reading logs, spelling, vocabulary or IXL math […]


April 14

Kindergarten By April 13, 2014 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, Holy Week is upon us and much of our academics will be centered around events moving toward Easter Sunday. If your schedule allows, please join us for Mass on Wednesday morning and the Living Stations of the Cross at 2:00. Religion: we will continue with rituals as we retell the  stories of […]


First Grade Newsletter!

1st Grade By April 12, 2014 No Comments

Dear Parents,                 April 14, 2014 Our reading strategy this week is evaluating.  The comprehension skill that will help us with evaluating is story structure.  Knowing the setting, the characters, the problem, and solution in the story and being able to sequence the events will help us evaluate […]



Kindergarten By April 10, 2014 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, This week we are so ready for Easter and the time off school, I feel homework should be simple. So continue to read nightly and work in the last EM home connection booklet 4. Sign and return book 3 for a sticker – it will be returned soon. Book reports and surveys […]


Fun with surveys!

Kindergarten By April 9, 2014 No Comments

After writing survey questions, kindergarten students walked the campus with clipboards and crayons graphing data at all grade levels.  After recording data on graphs we found:  blue is by far the most liked color; most students enjoy chocolate whether it be candy, muffins or cake; spiders the favorite bug; going to the movies #1; and […]


weekly newsletter 4/7

3rd Grade By April 7, 2014 No Comments

Dearest Third Grade Families, Wednesday night is our big night! The show is scheduled to begin at 6:30, so please plan to be in the Hall no later than then. The students have been practicing every day and sound fantastic! This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will begin Unit 8 (Fractions!) […]


Mrs. Vazquez’s Newsletter

2nd Grade By April 7, 2014 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Parents, I hope you enjoyed this gorgeous weekend.  Please remember to send extra water with your child this week because they will be drinking plenty of water due to the warm weather.  First Communion is right after our spring break. If you have any questions, please let me know via email. Here […]


April 7, 2014

5th Grade By April 7, 2014 No Comments

Dear Families, This is a busy week for the 5th grade class.  The students are doing a great job getting ready for the intermediate program.  The program is Wednesday, April 9th at 6:30.  Mrs. Lyle sent home a letter on Friday explaining what the students should wear.This Friday is a full day. The Speech Contest […]
