Dear Kindergarten Parents, As we begin the 5th week of Lent, a look at Sunday’s Gospel. Lazarus falling sick, his sisters calling for Jesus, and the miracle that happened. We will begin with our Children’s Bible and a short video titled “Lazarus, Come Out”. Bible verse John 11:5, “Jesus loved Martha, her sister and Lazarus […]
Dear Parents, April 7, 2014 We are starting theme 9 in our reading series – Special Friends. Our reading strategy this week is “monitor/clarify”. The comprehension skill that will help us with this strategy is noting details. Using the text, pictures, and paying attention […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Required homework: Nightly reading and record on log. Book response reports, math survey /graph and solid shape paper. Everyday Math and IXL websites. This week in EM 6.5 finds us surveying and graphing. Please help your child write a question for homework and graph the findings. Documents and links below for homework […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Amazing it is the last day of March! As we continue through the season of Lent.. “The Church asks us to surrender ourselves to prayer and to the reading of Scripture, to fasting and to giving alms”. In class we have added “Hail Mary” to our morning prayers. This week the “Glory […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Continue to read each night for 20 minutes and record on log. Monday is the last day to turn in a Shamrock or two for our Read Across American drawing. Required Homework: Reading / Web Log Sky High Rhyming Words follow directions on paper EM home link and activity papers Shape Museum […]
Learning hands-on is a large component of the rainforest program. Kinders enjoyed being part of the forest layers by using props and plants. Look and see!
Dearest Third Grade Families, Trimester 2 Report Cards go home Tuesday. Look for them in your child’s work folder. Please remember to sign & return the envelope so that it may be used for the final Report Card in June. This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will continue Unit 7 (Multiplication […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, It was such a blessing to see everyone at Reconciliation. I hope you cherished the moment as I did with your children. I am truly blessed to have such a great group of kids. We are preparing for our First Communion. Look out for a letter on Wednesday regarding Frequently Asked […]
Dear Families, The fifth grade class will be very busy this week. This Friday is a full day.We continue to participate is Stations of the Cross every week. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We will name the ways that Masses vary according to the Church year and the purpose of the Mass. […]
The 7th grade is studying the Italian Renaissance in history class. We began our journey with a field trip to the Getty Center and now in class we are studying the famous artists from the time. We have learned many different art terms and techniques and researched the various artists. The students used clay in […]