Ms. Carney’s ELA Group Assignment: Nov. 19, 2013 We will begin Unit 3, “Clues to a Culture”, beginning upon our return to school after Christmas break. In preparation for the unit: Please choose and read a book from the selection below. These books can be found in our school library. The Birchbark House ( […]
Mr. Doswell’s ELA Group Assignment November 19, 2013 We will begin Unit 3, “Animals Are Characters, Too”, beginning upon our return to school after Christmas break. In preparation for the unit: All students in Mr. Doswell’s reading group will choose and read a book that has animal characters or is about an animal. Some […]
Dear Families, This Wednesday is Free Dress with proceeds going to help the people in the Philippines. Students are encouraged to try and donate more than $1.00 for this worthy cause. Friday is a noon dismissal. This Friday is also school wide centers. Below is an overview of our week. Religion: We will be learning […]
Dear Second Grade Families, This is our last week of the first trimester. I can’t believe we will begin conferences in a few weeks. A little reminder, Teddy Bear Day is around the corner. Donate a Bear on “Teddy Bear Day” for Adopt-a-Family on Monday December 2nd.(If you are out and about shopping these next […]
Hello Third Grade Families, Tuesday is our first field trip. We will be visiting the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Students should arrive at school on time and in their uniforms with a lunch packed in their regular lunchboxes. I’m sure it will be a great day! This week we’ll be studying the following: […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Wednesday is our field trip to the Channel Islands Museum! The forecast is for cool, cloudy skies and slightly cooler at the beach. Please have your child wear their school jacket or sweatshirt and comfortable walking shoes. Wednesday is also a free dress for Philippine Typhoon Relief. I want to […]
Dear Parents, November 18, 2013 We will be taking this week to focus on Colonial times in Language Arts. We will be doing a number of fun projects that will work on our writing skills and will enrich the skills we have learned thus far in first grade. As this will be the case, […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, I am including a great site (StoryLine) for listening to books read by several actors. I have listed Chester’s Way on the reading log as your child will listen to this story in class. Remember we should be reading or listening to books- non-fiction or fiction for 20 minutes each day. Please […]
This Sunday is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel Luke recalls when Jesus was asked about the end of the world. Jesus replies and states, “See that you not be deceived, for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and ‘The time has come.’ Do not follow them! When […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, I hope you had a great three day weekend. We will have a busy four days in class this week. ACADEMICS THIS WEEK… Homework: IXL (H.1)/ Fluency/Reading Log Remember to look on the site everyday math to practice skills we have learned during the week. We finished Unit 2 last week. […]