Dear Parents, September 30, 2013 My goodness, time flies when you are having fun! I cannot believe it is just about October! The first graders are making their way through the year with great progress and wonderful energy! -We have completed theme 1 in our reading series. We start theme 2 – “Surprise!” this week. […]
Your children are learning of God’s plans for people as we read the Old Testament in the Children’s Bible. This week we have been learning about Abraham and Sarah. We followed Abraham, Sarah, and Lot on their journey to the promised land and then the birth of Isaac. Kinders found it interesting that Sarah laughed […]
This month the fifth grade class has been learning about the Order of the Mass. The students are doing a great job. After Mass today we discussed the order and I think it made Mass more meaningful to the students.
Dear Kindergarten Families, I am hearing a lot of fun the Everyday Math home connection. Lots of counting and calendar work. Continue using this booklet as it is a great resource for your child. Check off as you complete chapters. As always read each night and record on reading log. All reading is important, I […]
This is the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel according to Luke tells the parable about a rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus. The message of the Gospel is to take action in our life time to help others. The 8th grade class offered up many great ideas about how to help […]
Fifth grade is in the process of finishing their persuasive essays discussing how racism affected players of Negro League baseball. This essay is the culmination of reading, research, and discussion for Unit 1. Next week, beginning Tuesday, October 1st, fifth grade will begin Unit 2 of English Language Arts. Below is a short summary of […]
Fourth grade’s first English Language Arts unit ends with the students writing an informative essay answering the unit’s essential question, “How do stories reveal what we have in common?” Next week, Unit 2 will be introduced in fourth grade. This unit invites students to explore geography as it relates to seasons and weather. Students will […]
Dear Families, The fifth grade class will continue with testing this week. The students are doing a wonderful job with testing. This Friday is a full day. Please have your child review their Science and Social Studies notes nightly. This week students need to complete 3 Acc math assignments. Below is an overview of our […]
Dear Third Grade Families, This week we will continue ITBS testing . The plan is to complete the ITBS test on Monday and continue with the CogAT for the remainder of the week. As always, please remember to arrive at school on time after enjoying a healthy breakfast. Results will be shared with parents during […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you to all the parents who came to help out in our Primary Centers on Friday. We are excited about going on our first second grade field trip! Our first grade friends will be joining us on this field trip. We look forward to some apple picking. We are entering […]