Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are on the first full week of school! Your children are excited and ready to work. The routines are being established with class materials as we work in academic centers for language arts and math. Today we enjoyed our singing in our music class! Religion focus: Welcomes are Good! We […]
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes are off to a great start in History and Religion. We are already working in our journals on geography activities using the Kindles and taking notes in history. Each class has read from their Catholic youth Bibles and begun self reflection on how to improve their relationship with […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Welcome to the Second Grade! We had a busy three days last week going over classroom expectations. Everyday is a full day this week with many exciting academic adventures. We will be visiting many familiar rooms on our campus such as the computer lab, science lab & library but with second […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, Welcome Back! This is our first full week of school! I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday for Back to School Night at 6:30. Friday, August 23 is the PTC Back to School potluck at 5:30. I hope so see everyone there! We will begin reading our first book, We […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I can’t believe we’re already into our first full week of school! This week we begin homework assignments! From this day forward they can be found on the school website under Third Grade. Reading logs are assigned each week and available for download on the website, embedded in links within the […]
Dear Parents, August 19, 2013 Happy first full day and full week of school! Our “normal” school day begins today! We are reviewing our letters and the sounds associated with the letters this week in language arts. We will practice printing them and […]
Welcome back! I am excited to begin this school year in my new position as intermediate resource teacher of English Language Arts for grades 3, 4, and 5. What exactly does that mean? I will attempt to explain, but it is a new position and I know it will be ever changing and evolving! Last […]
Welcome to third grade! This is your child’s first year in the Intermediate grades and as I’m sure you’ll see, there is much to look forward to. Before Back-to-School night, I just want to fill you in on some basics: My plan is to gradually build up to full speed when it comes to homework. […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I am happy to welcome your student to our school! I want to thank the families that were able to attend orientation last Tuesday. Your children came ready to learn. I am excited to begin on Wednesday and see all your children again. They are a great group of children-it […]
Accelerated Math Live is ready for use! Each student has been assigned to a group based on their standing at the end of the school year. Objectives have been assigned to the groups to practice what was learned during the school year. These assignments will ensure that we are ready to tackle a new year […]