Dear Second Grade Parents, I hope you all stayed cool during our three-day weekend. We have a great week filled with fun. I am looking forward to meeting grandparents or special guests this Friday. Also, I am looking for 5 volunteers for Primary Centers on September 20th. Please send me an email if you are […]
Dear Parents, I hope everyone had a restful long weekend. This Friday is Grandparents Day. Please join us if your schedule allows. This Friday is also a noon dismissal. September 10th is our first field trip to the Ronald Reagan Library. Today students are taking home their Red Tuesday folders. Below please find an overview […]
Dear Third Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day weekend. I’m sure it felt good to get an extra day of rest for us all. Friday is Grandparents’ Day! I look forward to sharing the morning with many grandmothers and granddads. Grandparents are to meet us early at 8:30 mass with a reception […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, September is here and so is the hot weather! It was a nice 3-day weekend- I hope everyone had time to enjoy the extra day with family and friends. Grandparent’s Day is on Friday! It is important for kindergarten children to have a grandparent(s) or a special friend come to class and/or […]
Dear Parents, September 3, 2013 I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful Labor Day weekend! In language arts this week, we will finally finish our Kindergarten Review! Woo-hoo! We will also be continuing our spelling work focusing on the beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Remember […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Your students are showing great enthusiasm for their homework! Each week I will post homework on Friday to be returned the following Thursday. Most times homework is totally online. This week I am sending a wordless booklet your children started reading this week. Please read together discussing how the pictures are telling […]
The theme for the Gospel on this 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time is humility. Luke recalls a time when Jesus told a parable about where to sit when you are a wedding guest. The message of the parable is to sit at the lowest place and to be humble in all the things we do […]
Our first science lab captured your children’s interest as they explored/observed humus found under avocado trees. Working together like young scientists, they investigated samples of good topsoil. They recorded their findings with drawings. I am proudly displaying their work along with a couple of movie clips for your families to enjoy! ( 30 second videos-may […]
Congratulations! We survived our first full week of school! We are really getting into the swing of things now. This week should be a busy one as we continue to establish our daily classroom and homework routines and procedures. In class this week, we’ll be studying the following: Math: Unit 1 Lessons 1.4-1.6. We continue […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, It was great to see everyone who attended Back-To-School. Last week, we were able to review lots of rules and begin our groups. This week we are starting our math groups & reading groups. We are still going over classroom expectations with behavior and procedures. We have another busy week ahead […]